The test was performed by Dr. John Martinez at his awesome new clinic Coastal Sports and Wellness. This clinic provides sports medicine, chiropractic, functional training and rehabilitation, computrainer spinning classes and more. If you are in the San Diego area, check it out.
Kylie has done this testing before and was able to really push herself. Again her lactate threshold was close to where we thought it would be. She did very well on the Vo2 max test, scoring 52.something.
Afterwards I went for an hour bike ride while Kylie did some homework. One of our goals was to keep John at the clinic as long as we could as Laura was preparing for his suprise 40th B-day party.
As we were travelling along the 5 we passed him so when we got off at his exit we went into a side street and hid so he wouldn't see us. Once we got to his house we found out Laura had sent him to pick up their dog to delay him further.
He finally arrived and we had a great time celebrating with him, as well as meeting and hanging out with a bunch of great people.
Sounds like a neat test. You must've had a pretty high VO2max if you're winning races on occasion. How are you going to use the Powertaps along with these test results?
By the way... Congratulations!
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